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Looking after your mental health


The programme consists of thirty seven films. They’re all short and easy to understand – around five minutes each. There’s no jargon and they address most of the questions you may be asking yourself about stress, anxiety and mental health at work. To make these films we’ve interviewed a wide range of leading experts. We’ve then organized the material into bite-sized chunks and split it into four separate sections to make it easy for you to navigate.

We asked a wide range of working people what information they believed would be most useful. We asked leading experts what information they considered would be of most value to people at work. The results of these consultations are what you find here.

Bite-sized films, easy to understand, easy to watch, easy to access.

World class employee education

The Team Doctor has a  substantial library of films aimed at encouraging effective self-management.

The films are short and easy to understand but crucially they form a structured and coherent approach to education

Use The Team Doctor as part of your self-management toolkit.

Why use it? Because it works!

Evaluations have shown the films to be highly effective in changing behaviour.

Users find The Sound Doctor films easy to use, easy to understand and highly effective as part of their treatment.

They also report reduced GP visits and hospital admissions.

“The quality of the product is, in my experience, unmatched anywhere in the world.”
Dr Charles Alessi, Senior Advisor Public Health England

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